The legendary High School Debate Soap Opera, by Jules O'Shaughnessy and the Nostrumite.
The Postmodern Condition. A basic,
relatively short, introduction to postmodernism for high school
Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard
Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3. A lecture to help you get your mind around a
quintessential French postmodernist. I recommend reading the book,
especially the essay "Precession of Simulacra," before listening to the
lecture. I also recommend a visit to Disneyland or Disney World; feel
free to take me along with you.
From Caveman to Frenchman Menick explains art, from the
earliest days to the latest at Dia. (Or read the illustrated pdf,
if that's your preference.) There is also now a small pamphlet of
Caveman art
available, separate from the illustrated lecture. Part 1: Introduction and Part One,
Narrative Part 2: The Ancients to the Renaissance, start, middle, conclusion Part 3: The Birth of the Individual
(from the Renaissance to the Romantics)
Part 4: Modernism: The Narrative
Becomes Narration
Part 5: Postmodernism Start Some
general ideas, and some Frenchies, Middle Postmodern art, literature and
architecture, Conclusion A few things
that didn't fit earlier, and an adieu.
Judging LD for parents. There are also some printed materials accompanying this lecture at the MHL judging
Research. A general guide to research,
aimed primarily at newer LD and PF debaters. There is also a pdf for those who prefer to read these
Lexington tab revisited in 2008. Although I
ran out of time and didn't talk about the Black Cloud Over Monticello or
the Miracle of the Burrito, most of what happened is recorded here.
The tabbing of Yale, 2007. Part 1. We've done
Lexington. Let's look at a college, this time out. Part 2. Part 3. (Sorry
about the quality of this: too late to do anything about it now.) If
you only want to listen to the best part, on-site, go straight to
#3. As mentioned in the recordings, here's a copy of the Excel spreadsheet that concatenates team
names. Those were the good old days.
Backstage at Lexington. What goes on in tab?
Here's the answer.
Arguing the Resolution. Talk about lost causes: A general
lecture on why it makes sense to argue the resolution at hand. A pdf is also available.
Geopolitics. This incorporates the
sovereignty material (below) but redirects the enterprise toward
understanding the interplay of nations in the world today, with an eye
on acquisition of nuclear weapons. A pdf is also
Business. A general lecture on how
business works, to help get your mind around business resolutions. (This
was my first attempt at recording, so it's a little warbly at