Nostrum Series Two
N2 is available as both written and performed episodes. It is also available on iTunes. To separate it from the older episodes of N1, N2 episodes begin with the number 1000.
- Episode 1: The Next Generation Season opening meeting at Nighten Day High School audio pdf
- Episode 2: Too Many Beans for Dinner At home with freshman Billy Muffle audio pdf
- Episode 3: Buckle Down, Schmegeggie, Buckle Down Lily looks at college websites; the Nighten team on Facebook; Tucker plans to win everything audio pdf
- Episode 4: You princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you queens of Forensics Hautboy LeMonde attempts to woo debaters to Speech, and is confronted by Lily (on leave from Ms Melanzana's class) audio pdf
- Episode 5: The Retirement Die is Cast Jutmoll officially announces his retirement audio pdf
- Episode 5 and a half: In which Jules and the Nostrumite take a week off and let someone else do the work Excerpt from Seth B. Obomash's blog "Quack the Forensic Duck," explaining forensics to the poor schlubs who wandered into Nostrum unprepared audio pdf
- Episode 6: Oh What a Beautiful Morning, my ass! / Here be Dragons! Tucker tells Billy he should be selling his soul to debate; introducing Eric Rand-Walsh and the rebooted Veil of Ignorance team audio pdf
- Episode 7: Hail, Halefoil, Well Met! Introducing Halefoil Cumcut, with a look back at the legendary Halibut Helper Murder audio pdf
- Episode 8: In which many more characters are introduced, without, in any way, shape or form, thickening the plot. Formidable! Meet the mavericks, from Punx Phil Ex, from the Chitlin' Circuit, and from the Love Boat! audio pdf
- Episode 9: No Dark Sarcasm in this Classroom! A rather long episode in which LeMonde and Maru are taken to the next level, and Sashimi finds her activity. Audio / pdf
- Episode 10: Chez Cumcut / Chez Dikeskroner Mr Cumcut plays god, and Mr. Dikeskroner plays...something. Audio / pdf
- Episode 11: Gone to Texas Eric Rand-Walsh marshals his troops for their first trip of the year. Audio / pdf
- Episode 12: Deep in the Liver of Texas Hem Viadud goes for the record. Audio / pdf
- Episode 13: Their feelings they with difficulty smother / Speaking of felonious little plans Botch and Wednesday open a cold case, while Hautboy solves a hot case. Audio / pdf
- Episode 14: Firmguns is willing / Kennerji is willing / Raga Dikeskroner is up to his eyeballs in the Willing Dude plans for the Pup (AKA Furies in a Tub), Kennerji only has eyes for Tucker, and Raga goes out for a night on the town. Audio / pdf
- Episode 15: Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Speechie / Break Rounds and Broken Hearts / Q the F D excerpt Hautboy plans his revenge, the Monteverdi breaks are announced, and Seth B Obomash tells you how to win a tournament. Audio / pdf
- Episode 16: A Room of her own / The Numb Funk Chronicles. Sashimi ponders the world of OO, and Tucker ponders the world of not getting a TOC bid. Audio / pdf
- Episode 17: If This is NYPD, I'm Moving to Peoria. Botch and Wednesday ponder the cold Halibut Helper case.Audio / pdf
- Episode 18: Friends, Lovers and Enemies. Kennerji remains smitten, Firmguns remains firm, Lily become adamant.Audio / pdf
- Episode 19: Everybody wants to be a cat. Another one bites the dust, and another ones rises from same. Audio / pdf
- Episode 20: String 'em up / There Will be Blood. Yum Yum.. A quiet day with the Nighten Dayers, and a busy night with an Old One. Audio / pdf
- Episode 21: A Star is Reborn Again. HPB seeks help in his new job as debate coach. Audio / pdf
- Episode 22: Buglaroni Takes Command! HPB is in charge in his own inimitable fashion. He logs on to firmguns.com and meets with his new team. Audio / pdf
- Episode 23: Vengeance is Mine Sayeth the Debater Lily strikes back, and Buglaroni makes the acquaintance of Zeke the Bus Guy. Audio / pdf
- Episode 24: Grandma's Balls, Among Others Mrs. Plonk takes over feeding the Deconstructionists, the Dude awakes and Principal Lupino's eyes are opened. Audio / pdf
- Episode 25: Bloodlust on the Orient Express / A Superfluity of Coaches / It Could have been Caliban Raga D meditates on his new obsession, Tucker talks to her other coach, Buglaroni finally gets into firmguns.com. Audio / pdf
- Episode 26: Eat Your Heart Out, Macy's The parade to the Pups. Audio / pdf
- Episode 27: A Good Man's Man is Hard to Find / Where Old Coaches Go to Die, or Not, as the Case May Be Cumcut and Jeeves travel separately, and Alida Devans answers a few questions from Botch and Wednesday. Audio / pdf
- Episode 28: This Dude Also Abides / Ah, Youth / Yo' Mama! Registration at the Pup is about to begin, Raga is overcome, and Kennerji has a mother. Audio / pdf
- Episode 29: Frenemies / Kindred Spirits Hautboy gets a bright idea, thanks to Leona, and Raga finds a soul mate. Audio / pdf
- Episode 30: Alphabet Soup We visit a bunch of people at the Pup-a-Roni, now in progress. Audio / pdf
- Episode 31: Q&A Botch and Wednesday do some interviewing. Audio / pdf
- Episode 32: Love Means Never Having to Say Yo Mama Debaters in love? So sweet. So sentimental. Audio / pdf
- Episode 33: First Blood Raga judges his first round. Audio / pdf
- Episode 34: The Legend of Booty Beauchamp An episode that stands alone, in so many ways. Audio / pdf